Academy of the Arts Berlin
For the exhibition “Z2000,” Stadt im Regal designed and built a full-scale model of a bungalow by architect Eduard Ludwig (Type A No. 39) in the forecourt of the Akademie der Künste in Berlin. The model functions as both a sculpture and a temporary exhibition pavilion. The original bungalow was built for an international architecture exhibition in 1957 and still stands in the nearby Hansaviertel neighborhood.

Henry Moore
im Bungalow
Henry Moore’s 1956 sculpture Reclining Figure, which was installed in front of the Academy of the Arts in the Hansaviertel neighborhood in 1961, is integrated into the courtyard of Bungalow Type A No. 39. “Z2000” exhibition, Akademie der Künste, Berlin.

Multiple box
Bungalow multiple box, including twelve items from Stadt im Regal, edition of sixteen, 2000

Stadt im Regal: Bungalow, fold-out in catalog for “Z2000,” published by the Akademie der Künste and Die Gestalten Verlag, Berlin, 2000

Type A Nr. 39
The design of the Type A No. 39 bungalow in the Hansaviertel neighborhood is unusual both for the rigid separation of the one-story building from its environment and for the thorough rationalization and minimal tolerances of its functional processes. A simple arrangement of living area, garage and garden within two overlapping rectangles results in a horizontal box meant to provide its inhabitants with an exceptional amount of exterior isolation and interior freedom. In the full-scale model, the bungalow is transformed through the use of low-tech materials, addressing contemporary ideas of shelter, seclusion, permeability and connection to the outside world. As a freestanding implant in public space, 1957’s model house becomes a working model once more.

Match Striker
North facade of Bungalow with Match Striker

Bungalow in the Sesselclub
Akademie der Künste Berlin
Bungalow in the Sesselclub: Stadt im Regal – Models of Retrospection, presented in conjunction with “The City of Tomorrow: Contributions to an Archaeology of Berlin’s Hansaviertel,” a symposium at the Akademie der Künste, Berlin