Artistic Research as Aesthetic Science
Heike Klussmann, Thorsten Klooster (2011): BlingCrete In: Artistic Research as Aesthetic Science, ed. Martin Tröndle, Julia Warmers, publisher: transcript, June 2011

Akademie Schloss Solitude Stuttgart
Artistic Research
On the occasion of the workshop »Artistic Research as Aesthetic Science?« Heike Klussmann and Thorsten Klooster present their transdisciplinary project BlingCrete at the Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart.
Art research as »aesthetic science« is conceived as a process that utilizes artists’ specific knowledge, working methods, and competence and applies them to other contexts outside of the art system. It is neither research about art that then lies in the field of science of art, nor is it research with art that genuinely characterizes artistic production. Central to the discussion are forms of sensual insight that are combined with scientific practices to generate new knowledge.
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Art research as »aesthetic science« is conceived as a process that utilizes artists’ specific knowledge, working methods, and competence and applies them to other contexts outside of the art system. It is neither research about art that then lies in the field of science of art, nor is it research with art that genuinely characterizes artistic production. Central to the discussion are forms of sensual insight that are combined with scientific practices to generate new knowledge.
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