Thats the way i like it
On April 30, 2005, the Kaufhof department store (formerly the Centrum Warenhaus) auctioned off part of its own facade on Berlin’s Alexanderplatz. The individual facade sections were presented in a stall on the square and sold by a professional auctioneer. Passersby showed little interest. Heike Klussmann joined the crowd and bid on the sections, thereby staging the actually occurring event.
2005 , thatsthewayilikeit , Kaufhof , Centrum Warenhaus , Alexanderplatz , Berlin , film , public auction

Centrum Warenhaus/ Kaufhof Alexanderplatz Berlin
The facade of the Centrum Warenhaus (später Kaufhof) consisted of a total of 3,927 modules. Material: coated sheet aluminum. Each module consists of two halves screwed together. Shape and dimensions of all modules are the same (W 67.5 cm x H 205 cm x D 42.2 cm). Each module was offset from its neighbors and connected to them by a total of eight screws. Module dimensions: gross surface area (top) 0.29 m2, gross surface area (front) 1.38 m2, mounted surface area (including gaps) 1.96 m2, flattened surface area 2.03 m2, sheet thickness 0.002 m, material volume 0.00406 m3, average weight 11 kg (10.8–11.4 kg). Total weight of all modules: approximately 43.2 t. Calculated dimensions: facade height = n (modules) * 1.45 m + 0.6 m; facade width = n (modules) * 1.35 m; stack height (tolerance ±0) = n (modules) * 0.18 m + 0.253 m, e.g. for a stack of ten modules, height = 10 * 0.18 m + 0.253 m = 2.053 m

Monochrome City
Eight-day direct exposure on black-and-white photographic paper, from the series Monochrom City, shot from the 12th story of the Haus des Lehrers, Alexanderplatz, Berlin, 130 x 320 cm.